Our Vision…
is to raise global consciousness by creating a paradigm shift of thought that acknowledges death as our birthright and teaches us the transformative potential to live fully as we invite death to be our teacher.
Our Mission…
is to cultivate diverse and compassionate communities, creating a culture that together explores the many facets of death to inspire a positive change in end-of-life Care and Education.
Our Values…
Our Values…
include heart-centered support, compassion, accessibility, transparency, presence, right-relationships, unknowing, re-membering, sacredness, keeping a child’s mind of wonder, striving for the highest quality in our educational offerings, leaning in, co-creating, non-linear, empathy, attention, affection, and curiosity.
Our History
The Conscious Dying Institute, Founded by Tarron Estes in 2013, birthed a movement in conscious dying and community death-care, and trained over 1,000 end-of-life doulas and coaches in the past decade.
Tarron believed that we must wake up and be fully present in the HERE and NOW. For this, she designed embodiment activities that allow caregivers to fully experience spiritual, emotional, physical, legacy and after death choices so that we can generously and graciously assist those who are still alive but can see the end.
The same programs that Tarron Estes designed for the Conscious Dying Institute, have been graciously passed on to the Conscious Dying Collective, as we carry on her legacy and wisdom.