I was beyond moved and grateful to have taken the Sacred Passage Doula program. I started with the Conscious Dying Coach program which was a magnificent journey of self exploration and extremely meaningful. I did not expect to go through so much inner work but it was a deep and pleasant surprise. How can one help another at death when have not dealt with the deepest of their person. These courses exceeded my expectations on so many levels. I commend the instructors and everyone who chose and composed the material and guided the students through it. An experience I will always remember with the utmost gratitude.
Beyond grateful to have been a part of something so special.

Kirstin Fry, RN

Sacred Passage Doula

I really appreciated the attention to detail and the approach in answering the questions. I had attended a VSED presentation given by Trish over a year ago and the materials have been widely expanded and all encompassing. Thank you, I feel a sense of confidence in coaching potential VSED clients.


Christine Pollock

EOL Doula

Even though I was juggling being a working mother of young children with coursework, I found the conscious dying principles instrumental in helping me manage this balancing act. They reminded me to have compassion for myself, and this compassion spread to the people around me. Learning how to listen with my whole self, my whole heart, is a skill that has transformed the way I interact with my loved ones. Whether or not I switch careers and decide to become a practicing death coach or sacred passage doula, I am very glad my children get to experience the benefits of this course.

The most surprising aspect of this course has been the amount of introspection I undertook as part of homework. Conversations with assigned coursework partners, writing responses to journal prompts and interviewing community clients sparked reflection that led to deeper self-knowledge.

I would highly recommend this program.

Su Ching Teh

Sacred Passage Doula

[The Dementia Journey Course] was amazing and I learned so much. There are so many forms of dementia I had no idea! I loved learning that if you know one person with dementia, you know one person with dementia. Unlike other diseases this one has no set of rules or length of time. The other was that it also has no age requirement, it can happen to anyone! I would love this course to be longer or a part 2 - I would sign up in a heart beat! Highly recommend to anyone in the field or just having loved ones with dementia.

Angel G

End-of-Life Companion