Elizabeth Padilla

Executive Director

Elizabeth gives credit to the many teachers she has had in her life starting with her Mother who lovingly cared for her father and grandmothers in their family home until their final moments on earth. She knew her calling in this life was to nurture others and help them realize their personal and global potential. Elizabeth is a lifelong student of human behavior, wellness modalities and making the world a better place for all. Her extensive travel opportunities have extended her the privilege of witnessing and learning from diverse cultures as well as inspiring her own spiritual evolution.

Tarron Estes and the Conscious Dying Institute, were also a profound influence for Elizabeth on her end-of-life path, allowing her to fall in love with the idea of having the opportunity to contribute to the evolution of human consciousness through, EOL care and education. For the past three years Elizabeth has been the Executive Director for the Conscious Dying Institute, and is honored that Tarron has given her the opportunity to carry forward her CDI legacy courses through the Conscious Dying Collective.

Elizabeth has found her perfect fit in guiding both the dying to their next great adventure, and students through their end-of-life Conscious Dying education journey. Nothing makes her happier than gently guiding students on their path to determine the best outcome for themselves and the collective whole.