Rachel Cao

Creative Director

I walked through most of my life afraid of dying, full of questions about death, and fearful of losing the ones I loved. It was by providence (or happenstance - you decide) that I discovered the Conscious Dying Institute, where I graduated as an End-of-Life Doula in 2019. This program changed my life so profoundly, that I knew I had to share it with the rest of the world. I discovered that Death is a beautiful teacher and friend.

Most of my personal experience with death has been with animals and looking back, I wished that a doula had been by my side in the process. So, I had a natural heart to be that doula for others going through the transition of their beloved animal companions. I now work primarily with pets and their families as an end-of-life doula while continuing to follow my joy of bringing this transformative work to the world. I am so honored to be part of the Conscious Dying Collective and their mission.

"We are all just walking each other home."
-Ram Dass